A. Hamada, J.P.C. King, A.A. El Damatty, G. Bitsuamlak, and M. Hamada (2017), “The Response of a Guyed Transmission Line System to Boundary Layer Wind”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 139, 135-152

A. Hamada, A.A. El Damatty (2015), “Failure Analysis of Guyed Transmission Lines During F2 Tornado Event”, Engineering Structures, Vol.85, 11-25

A.Hamada (2014), “Numerical and Experimental Studies of Transmission Lines Subjected to Tornadoes”, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, The University of Western Ontario, Canada

A. Hamada, A.A. El Damatty (2011), “Behaviour of Guyed Transmission Line Structures under Tornado Wind Loading”, Computer and Structures, Vol. 89, Issues 11-12, 986-1003

A.Hamada (2009), “Analysis and behaviour of guyed transmission line structure under tornado wind loading”, Master of Engineering Science thesis, The University of Western Ontario, Canada 


Analysis, Design, Performance Based Design of Transmission Line Systems with only in world  in-house capabilities and software for Analysis of Transmission Line System under High Intensity Wind Events Such as Tornadoes, Downburst, and Microburst with Progressive Failure Analyses Capabilities.

Analysis, Design, Performance Based Design, Failure Studies, Structural Resilience, and Optimization of several 500/230 kv transmission line structures and communication towers Under extreme loading cases, such as High Intensity Wind, Wind-On-Ice, Tornadoes, Downbursts – Microbursts, and Hurricanes

corresponding member of the task committee on Electrical Transmission Line Structural Loading responsible for updating the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Manual of Practice #74, Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line Structural Loading6 Published Journal Papers - 10 Published Peer Reviewed Conference papers - 12 Technical Reports